Tuesday, November 20, 2012


There are a few things going on tomorrow.

1. Class "Club 50" Party.  Bring in any treat to share with the class - the more the merrier!

2. Class Talent Show - this is for any brave souls that want to cast their talent for the class.  The class will be the judges and a winner will be declared at the end.  This is a closed door event.  I was going to open the door and allow parents to come and even be judges, but the class voted today and voted NO.  They would feel shy and not want to do their talent.  Sorry parents! :(

3. Pilgrims and Indians day.  Students may come dressed-up as a Pilgrim or Indian or both.  They may also give a thanks speech tomorrow as well.  

4. Big Blast Party for students who raised enough money on the Fall fundraiser or donated money to PTA.

5. Don't forget tomorrow is a 90-minute early dismissal.

Have a GREAT Thanksgiving!!! 

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