Only two weeks left...are you serious?!
Tuesday will be our last SOL for the school year - science!
Tuesday morning will also be our last SOL buffet. Listed below is the projected items to be brought in. If you'd like to add to this list, please do!
orange juice, fruit salad, cinnamon buns, sausage links, and donuts
Tuesday afternoon, we will be celebrating the end of the SOLs with ice cream and a movie!
If you want your child to participate in the Summer Tutoring Camp, please let me know by Wednesday. Also, book orders are due this day as well (Befriended).
Wednesday will be Westside Career Day! It will also be Professional Day in my classroom. I am asking for my students to come dressed professional (Sunday best).
Wednesday will also begin EOY (End-Of-Year activities) - including egg-baby and roller coasters. For egg-baby, students will pair up with another student of their choice in the classroom and receive either one, two, or three eggs. They will have to care for this egg for a week. It is their responsibility to bring the egg(s) to school everyday, watch them, and take them home. Shall an egg break, their project grade will decrease. They will also be creating groups of four and constructing a three-hilled-rollercoaster that a foosball will successfully travel. They will only be allowed to use certain products (paper, popsicle sticks, glue, tape, straws, etc.). This is a time to enjoy ourselves, but challenge us at the same time!
Friday will be our LAST Friday Frenzy of the school year! :( There will be no limit to tickets this week. However, students who don't meet my expectations will not receive one. It will end at 5:00!
Lastly, my final invitations for Busch Gardens (which is this Saturday) will be on Wednesday. Information will be sent home on Thursday regarding times, locations, chaperones, etc. Remember, only a SMALL group of students will be able to attend.